Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Campaign Blitz Begins- Read My Lips II

So our President is going on all the Ministry of Truth Talk shows and even Late Night Talk Shows to do his latest campaign swing, instead of leadership.

President Obama will appear on a record five TV networks on Sunday — the morning talk shows of ABC, NBC, CBS and sit for interviews with CNN and Spanish-language network Univision.

But he won’t go anywhere near the “right wing”.

But Big Brother doesn’t talk to the unpeople.

But now the President will not stop the racism talk:

“Are there people out there who don’t like me because of race? I’m sure there are,” Obama told CNN. “That’s not the overriding issue here.”

“The president does not believe that the criticism comes based on the color of his skin,” Gibbs said.

Only some of them.

And now you add in dear old elitist Michelle Obama, who they trotted out for a carefully choreographed speech, because they wouldn’t want a repeat of the Zanesville,OH incident during the first campaign, ““We left corporate America, which is a lot of what we’re asking young people to do,” she tells the women. “Don’t go into corporate America. You know, become teachers. Work for the community. Be social workers. Be a nurse. Those are the careers that we need, and we’re encouraging our young people to do that. But if you make that choice, as we did, to move out of the money-making industry into the helping industry, then your salaries respond.” (NRO)

Don’t strive to do better, just let the government do it for you.

But now she  enters a new spectre into the debate: You’re a SEXIST!!!

Michelle Obama said women are being “crushed by the current structure of our health care” because they often are responsible for taking care of family illnesses, arranging checkups and monitoring follow-up care.

“We all know that women are more likely to work part time or to work in small companies or businesses that don’t provide any insurance at all,” Obama said. “Women are affected because, as we heard, in many states insurance companies can still discriminate because of gender. And this is shocking to me.”

So now, not only are you a racist, and “unamerican”, now you’re a SEXIST pig also!

And the Ministry of truth is just gushing all over her…

“What she’s doing is putting a personal and human face on the issue … there’s nothing more crucial,” said Washington Post columnist Sally Quinn. “Everybody gets sick, and everybody has someone in the family that gets sick.”

“I think if you can humanize it and personalize it, it suddenly brings it home to people — especially those who are screaming and yelling about the government taking over,” Quinn said.

Gloria Borger, a CNN senior political analyst, agreed.

“I think she’s always been a great asset to him,” she said. “She can help in this health care debate by not getting involved in the minutiae of the bills, but essentially emphasizing the reason we need health care reform. And that’s what she will stick to.”

On Friday’s CBS Early Show, White House correspondent Bill Plante highlighted President Obama’s latest media blitz on health care reform and touted a new piece of the PR arsenal: “The President does have a new partner in his nonstop effort to sell health care, it’s the First Lady….Michelle Obama will be more like a stealth weapon in the battle for health care, giving it a softer touch.”

So using her “motherly” influence and her sex is not manipulation…

And that’s why Journalism has died. Long Live The Ministry of Truth!

But the answer  to why we haven’t heard  from Michelle Obama might lie in the administration trying to keep her old job at the non-profit University of Chicago Hospital out of the limelight because it is clear her job was part of the problem regarding health care costs and not part oft the solution. Michelle Obama having been part of the problem could actually be something the administration could use to their advantage if they were willing to be honest about it,  but asking most politicians to be honest is like asking a dog not to bark and Obama might view it as politically embarrassing. Probably because Michelle Obama’s job as a “hospital administrator” had nothing to with medicine and nothing to do with administrating.  It was all about PR. Her official title was Vice President for External and Community Affairs. But that title and that job was so unnecessary, that , it not only didn’t exist before she got it, when she resigned the position  to campaign with her husband, no one was ever rehired to fill it, and the job itself was terminated after she resigned…

Don’t do as I do, do as I say.

Rasmussen Poll:

Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters nationwide now oppose the health care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the highest level of opposition yet measured and includes 44% who are Strongly Opposed.

Just 43% now favor the proposal, including 24% who Strongly Favor it.

But the overall picture remains one of stability. While the numbers have bounced a bit following nationally televised appearances by the president to promote the plan, opposition has generally stayed above 50% since early July. Support has been in the low to mid 40s.

The number who Strongly Oppose the plan has remained above 40% and the Strongly Favor totals have been in the mid-20s. This suggests public opinion is hardening when it comes to the plan that is currently working its way through Congress.

“The most important fundamental is that 68% of American voters have health insurance coverage they rate good or excellent … Most of these voters approach the health care reform debate fearing that they have more to lose than to gain.”

If the plan passes, 26% of voters say the quality of care will get better, and 51% say it will get worse. In August, the numbers were 23% better and 50% worse.

Gallup 7/27/2009:

Nearly half (48%) say they personally have a good understanding of the issues involved, while only 27% say so about members of Congress.

But, despite all this the Political Elite want what they want because they want it.


The race for 60 votes is on.

If they can get 60 votes they cram it down your throat.

If they don’t, they can use “reconciliation” a legislative tactic to cram it down your throat.

But, don’t worry, they are listening to We The People.

Also, don’t worry, it will cost $900 billion or more but not raise the deficit “not one dime” or Obama won’t sign it.

“…And here’s what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future. I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.” ‘Not one dime…”

Doesn’t that fill you will confidence.

Remember “Read My Lips” 

They are going to pay for a new government entitlement with the “waste fraud and abuse” of other government entitlement programs.


Medicaire is bankrupt

Medicaid is bankrupt

Social Security is bankrupt

The Post Office is bankrupt

But if you pass National Health Care it will do what no programs has ever done.


And we’ll use the abuses from the previous programs to pay for it.

“Not one Dime”  (just trillions or other dimes )

Orwell is having an orgasm right about now.

Huffington Post:

Yet another late complication, according to several Democrats, is the president’s statement that he will not sign a bill “if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.”

The $900 billion target is “very difficult,” Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said Tuesday. “This is reducing coverage for poor and working people.“

Rangel spoke of other “restrictions the president has given in his speech,” commenting after senior House Democrats pressed top administration officials in a private meeting for an explanation of Obama’s $900 billion price tag.

Reducing coverage? On your “free” government “competition” that will cost $900 billion+ but not add to the deficit “one dime”??

I’m not sure that’s a magic trick even Chris Angel could pull off!

Does anyone smell large tax increases?

To pay for that “fair” “competition”? Even if you aren’t on their plan…

Naw…They’d never do that now would they….

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